Birmingham, B29

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

more bizarre weather #b29

posted by pindec
all hail #b29
This evening (28 April 18:30) we have a lot of weather going on in B29:
  • thunder
  • lightning
  • hail
  • rain

Traffic's crawling on the Pershore Road; looks like we might have an awful lot of water around too ...

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religious doorsteppers in B29

posted by pindec
We've had quite a few people round recently attempting to enlighten us into the ways of their various religions. This is quite annoying when (a) you're a committed atheist and (b) you're in the middle of making a veggie burger.

Most people are terribly polite, indeed today's Smiley Christians and the other week's Jehovah's Witnesses both said it was "nice to meet me" despite them (presumably) fervently believing I'm going to burn in hell for my (lack of) beliefs.

However, what I object to are people like the two from St Stephen's a couple of weeks ago, who attempted (pointlessly) to engage me in a debate that descended into farce - they seemed to be getting a bit annoyed at me not agreeing with them, which is not quite what I expected from the cuddly CofE. I entirely respect their right to believe what they like, and to go round B29 and try and convert people (though I suspect there's probably a few thousand people out there in Birmingham who'd rather a more direct intervention to help their lives than a doorstep chat), but I object to them trying to imply that my beliefs are worth less than theirs. Here's a hint - if I tell you I'm an atheist, you're unlikely to be able to catch me out by asking "Do you pray?". *And* my veggieburger was burning.

I wonder what the conversion rate of doorstop chats really is - I expect it's less than with other direct marketing methods. I'll ask the next ones around ...

Does anyone make a sign that says "no free newspapers and no organised religions please"? Are there any disorganised religions that that would miss out?

Could we start a B29 watch where we let each other know who's coming round knocking on doors, maybe via twitter (e.g. #b29watch)?


Monday, 6 April 2009

B29 games map

posted by pindec
I've started a map outlining some lo-fi games to play should you find yourself aimlessly trundling around B29 - from avoiding scary shops to guessing the staff-to-client ratio in a curry house.

It's an openly collaborative map, so please add your own B29 games; I'm aware that this blog gets skewed towards Selly Park (where I live) and not California (wayyyy over in B29 *West* [edit: thanks Jack, doh!].

View Larger Map

Also, I'm planning a trundle over to the rest of B29 shortly - anyone got any must-sees or highlights?

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